Transparent Perfection:
Business Cards That Stand Above the Rest

Beeindruckender, länger haltbar und einfach umwerfend. Als Pionier des transparenten Visitenkartendrucks freuen wir uns, Ihnen unser Premium-Produkt vorstellen zu können. Wir haben transparente Visitenkarten aus erstklassigem Kunststoff und in hervorragender Druckqualität entwickelt. Wir stellen einzigartige transparente Visitenkarten her, die Sie nirgendwo anders finden werden.

Erhalten Sie 250 Karten für nur $59.50 header

How to order business cards?

On the product page, after specifying the size, quantity, and delivery date, add other features of the transparent business card according to your preferences, and then click the continue button to proceed to the second step.

Before placing a business card order, you need to select a design. At this stage, you can choose the most suitable option from 4 different business card design alternatives or navigate us to how the design should look.
You can choose your favorite design from hundreds of free business card templates suitable for every sector. You can easily edit all the images and other information on the template to create your own design.

If your business card design has been created with a vector design program and if you already have your design, then you can upload the design here and then send us the business card specifications on the next page.

If you don’t have any design for your business card and want a professional design, then you can simply enter all your information on the design service page and send it to us. We will create 3 custom designs for you and present them for your approval.
If you want the same or a similar design as your old business card but don’t have a print-ready design, then simply you can take a photo of your business card and send it to us. We will design the same or a similar version for you free of charge.

Abmessungen der Visitenkarte

Wir bieten vier verschiedene Größen für Plastik-Visitenkarten Im Folgenden können Sie die Visitenkarten auswählen, die den Normen Ihres Landes oder Ihrer Region entsprechen, oder Sie entscheiden sich für Mini-Visitenkarten oder quadratische Visitenkarten, um ein einzigartiges Erscheinungsbild zu erzielen, und fahren dann mit dem Kauf fort.

250 mattierte Visitenkarten
von $59.50

Unsere Garantien:
Bester Preis | Zufriedenheit | Pünktliche Lieferung

Wir garantieren den besten Preis für transparente Visitenkarten, zufriedenstellende Designs und pünktliche Lieferung und sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Marke die Liebe zum Detail erhält, die sie verdient. Unsere Designexperten sind immer bereit, Ihrer Marke durch ihre Designfähigkeiten den besten Ausblick zu geben.


Experience our premium transparent business cards, featuring top-tier print quality and premium materials at unbeatable market prices. While others charge 2-3 times more for standard transparent cards, we deliver exceptional craftsmanship and superior quality at the most competitive rates.

Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser Hauptziel

Für uns hat die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden oberste Priorität. Wenn Sie mit unserer Lieferung nicht zufrieden sind transparente VisitenkartenSie können sie jederzeit problemlos zurückgeben oder umtauschen, ohne Fragen zu stellen. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist für uns immer wichtig.

Pünktliche Liefergarantie

Wir garantieren, dass wir Ihre Bestellungen pünktlich liefern. Sie werden Ihre Visitenkarten spätestens am versprochenen Tag in Händen halten. Sollten unerwartete Verzögerungen auftreten, erhalten Sie Ihre kostenlose Visitenkarten.

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Do You Need A Large Quantity Of Business Cards? Request A Quote.

Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, die perfekte transparente Visitenkarte zu finden? Kontaktieren Sie uns direkt für Sonderwünsche.
If you need any help, we are happy to assist you.

Speziell beschichtete, transluzente Visitenkarten

When you visit the product page of one of the gold or silver foil or Spot UV Coating lacquer transparent business cards below, you can also select and configure additional features for your luxury business cards.

250 Translucent Business Cards
Available For $70.80

250 Translucent Business Cards
Available For $70.80

250 Translucent Business Cards
Available For $66.64

Langlebige Plastik-Visitenkarten

Business Card Design And Printing Service

Perfektes Design und Druck

At, we can create professional and modern business cards designs according to our customer's preferences. Our expert designers are specially trained in our printing techniques and create perfect designs for perfect printing results.

Business Card Designs

Choose from thousands of ready-made business card templates and create your design within seconds. You can manage this process yourself using our user-friendly online design tool and create business card that make your brand memorable. For more professional designs, you can get support from our design team, which offers unique solutions for only 10 Euros.

Unsere Expertise:
Unmatched Global Transparent Business Card Production

The Global Transparent Business Card Production

With production and distribution centers in Germany, USA, UAE, Turkey, and Bangladesh, we supply transparent business cards with offset printing quality and very high-quality 500 micron (0.5 mm) plastic PVC material at affordable prices worldwide using the latest technology.

Your Plastic Transparent Business Card Printing Partner

Advertising agencies and print shops, contact us for your transparent business card needs. Without any additional fees, order your transparent business cards from us at the best prices. By partnering with us, you can sell transparent plastic business cards that are both affordable and of excellent print quality.

Transparent Business Card Production With Offset Print Technique

From the first offset print technique of transparent business card manufacturer in the world, our years of industry experience have taught us the importance of quality and reliability, and that's what we are committed to offer each customer. Whether you run a small business or large corporations we make the best cards for everyone.

Shipping to Anywhere in the World at Exceptionally Low Prices

In addition to offering PVC business cards for sale worldwide, we ensure that shipping is available at affordable rates and that your cards arrive quickly. Even in the most remote regions globally, you can confidently place your orders and receive your product within 10–15 days.

Find the Perfect Business Card for Your Business

Give your brand or service a strong identity with our world class Transparent Business Cards – Modern, durable,
and designed to match any profession.

Plumbing Business Cards

Design professional plumbing business cards that impress. We offer four customizable templates with different design options. If you are not satisfied with those templates you can design your perfect business card from scratch to fit your brand.

Esthetician Business Cards

Make your esthetician business cards as polished as your service. Choose from our ready-made templates or design from scratch to match your brand’s identity and aesthetic.

Holographic Business Cards

Holographic business cards add a sleek and modern touch to your branding with a rainbow like effect. Select a template that fits your style or create a design that matches your brand’s unique identity.

HVAC Business Cards

Ready to design business cards for your HVAC business? Pick a template and customize it or design one from the ground up. With our free design tool, you have the freedom to design exactly what you need.

Mechanic Business Cards

A well-designed mechanic business card can help you to build trust with your customer, and keep your service top of their mind. We have a range of customizable templates or you can make your own design with our dedicated designing tool.

Electrician Business Cards

Stand out from your local competitor with professional-looking business cards for electrician service. Take a look at our existing templates to find one you can customize, or create a completely unique design to suit your needs.

Roofing Business Cards

Build Credibility with roofing business cards designed to match your expertise. Customize a template or create a unique design that reflects your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

DIY Business Cards

Design business cards that are as unique as your business. Start with a template or craft your design from scratch. Our design tool gives you all the flexibility you need to get it just right.

Welding Business Cards

Let people recognize your brand with a bold statement. A professional-looking business card can make all the difference. We offer four different customizable templates for you, or you can design your own welding business cards from scratch using our easy to use design tool.

Nail Business Cards

Nail your first impression with business cards that capture the essence of your nail services. Choose from a selection of templates or create your own design from scratch

Contractor business cards

Construct a powerful first impression with business cards that reflect your professional standards. From foundation to finish, our customizable templates or blank canvas design options help you build the perfect business card that demonstrates your commitment to quality.

Car wash business cards

Drive your car wash business forward with business cards that make a spotless impression. Choose from our pre-built premium templates for car wash professionals, or create your own custom design that makes your business shine above the rest.

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