Need a custom design? We've got you covered!

With your vision as our guide, we create something that exceeds expectations.

Step 1

Please provide us information that you want in your business card.

Step 2

Within one business day, we will provide you 3 design proposals.

Step 3

Select your preferred design.

Should you wish to make changes, your first revision request is free.

Step 4

Your design will stay forever in our database, whenever you want to print the design, you don't need to pay again

Put pieces of information that you want to include in your business card
Choose the design style

What information do you want to include?

Provide us all info on your business card

Please add a QR code for and include a Facebook icon.

About the business

We are a software company based in X, focusing to provide innovative solutions for young tech enthusiasts who are passionate about cutting-edge technology.


Ensure that the questionnaire is completed accurately.

By clicking Continue , you confirm that all necessary information for your order has been provided.

Please complete the entire questionnaire. Missing details may delay the proposal submission by one business day.

To avoid this, fill in all the fields so we can gather everything needed to create your design!

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Skicka en förfrågan

För informationsförfrågningar, klagomål, förslag, produktrelaterade frågor eller förfrågningar om specialpriser, vänligen använd formuläret nedan för att kontakta oss. Din begäran kommer att behandlas så snabbt som möjligt och vi återkommer till dig.

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Hej 👋👋. Hur kan vi hjälpa dig?
Team cool-kort
{{status.activeMod > 0 ? 'På nätet' : 'Offline'}}
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Hej! Hur kan vi hjälpa dig?
Nå oss på WhatsApp! Starta en konversation med hjälp av knappen nedan så försöker vi svara så snart som möjligt.
Öppna WhatsApp
{{status.partner_namn}} skriver{{status.typing_hellip}}

Upload design

Add your documents here, and you can upload up to 5 files max

Only support: ai, eps, psd, pdf, cdr
89 x 51 mm
Recommended format:

Adobe illustrator (How to save)

Adobe In Design (how to save)

Adobe Photoshop (how to save)

CorelDRAW (how to save)


Other formats:

Microsoft PowerPoint (How to save)

Microsoft Word (How to save)

Maximum size:

3072 MB


By adding a design, you accept our Terms and Conditions.

Hur skulle du vilja utforma din Standard Size Transparent​ Business Cards (3.5" X 2" - 89 X 51 mm)

Ladda upp en fullständig design

  • - Ha en komplett design
  • - Ha din egen designer

Design här online

  • - Du har redan ditt koncept
  • - Anpassa varje detalj