Design Questionnaire

Do you need to reprint your business card but don’t have the original editable files? No problem! Our team can recreate your design for you.

1 Select a service

If you have more complex designs, please choose second option that is a paid service.

2 What type of file do you have?

Business Card: Transparent Business Cards European Format (3.35” x 2.16”)

If you choose it, you should upload logo from step 3. Additional $8.98
What's the difference?:
What is the difference? - If you send us a photo, We need to redesign again in illustrator, photoshop or something like this.

3 Logo

Which logo would you like us to use in the replica of your business card?

    4 Please upload your files

    The more files you submit the better the quality of your replica will be

    Upload more reference
    What should I send?:
    To ensure the business card is as accurate as possiable, please provide all the files and images used in its creation.

    By adding any files, you’re accepting our Terms and Conditions.

    5 Describe everything you’d like us to do

    Write everything you want to change here

    What should I write?:
    Use this box to add any additional information you consider to be important, such as typeface, colours to use, etc.
      Please fix above error first

      Ensure that the questionnaire is completed accurately.

      By clicking Continue , you confirm that all necessary information for your order has been provided.

      Please complete the entire questionnaire. Missing details may delay the proposal submission by one business day.

      To avoid this, fill in all the fields so we can gather everything needed to create your design!

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